Dressing Michelin Primacy tires with MaFra Black 3 PlusDressing Michelin Primacy tires with MaFra Black 3 Plus

My very sexy Michelin summer tires looking like new with MaFra

It is time to make my 4 year old Michelin Primacy tires look incredibly sexy again! Today I am using MaFra Black 3 Plus to protect and dress my tires. I will show you in a short demonstration video how I like to apply the product and show you the final result. Here’s is a link to the product online.

This procedure keeps your tires looking longer black, with a nice shine while they are protected against UV and cracking.

YouTube video: Dressing my sexy Michelin Primacy tires with MaFra Black 3 Plus


Do you also like to dress and protect your tires and what are your favorite products and routines?


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