Ulasan kaca spion mobil bayi REER SafetyView - Periksa kursi bayi saat mengemudiUlasan kaca spion mobil bayi REER SafetyView - Periksa kursi bayi saat mengemudi

How to check baby in car seat while driving

Today I will be reviewing my latest purchase which is a rear view mirror to check the baby while driving. I found a cheap one in the LIDL online store by a company called REER with good reviews. I will show you what it looks like, how to install and what the vision of the car seat looks like through the mirror in the center of my car. Here is a link to the LIDL online shop and the same product on Amazon.

  1. REER SafetyView Baby Car Mirror (Amazon)
  2. REER SafetyView Baby Car Mirror (LIDL)
YouTube video: REER SafetyView baby car mirror review – Check baby seat while driving


Do you use rear view mirrors to keep an eye on your baby or child while driving? Do they provide sufficient detail to see what’s going on and do you also have a REER SafetyView mirror? Let me know your experiences and thoughts in the comments and I hope this video was useful. Take care and all the best!


Halo, nama saya Gerrit Jan. Saya adalah penulis SEO lepas, pengembang bisnis, dan manajer produk yang berpengalaman - yang berspesialisasi dalam kolokasi pusat data, IoT, dan konektivitas global. Saya menyediakan layanan manajemen sementara dan konsultasi TI di pasar Jerman, Belanda, dan Inggris. Selain itu, saya suka membuat konten di WordPress dan YouTube di bidang perincian mobil, TI, tes produk, perjalanan, dan karier.

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