Car mat and carpet cleaning tip

Here is my test and review video of Turtle Wax Interior 1 foam cleaner to clean my car carpet and floor mats. In this video I will show you step by step how the product works and performs against dirt in my car carpet.

Here is an Amazon link to the Turtle Wax interior cleaner:

YouTube video: How to clean your car carpet with Turtle Wax Interior 1 foam and brush

My EV has a lot of uncovered exposed floor mat and carpet that can get quite dirty. Will this product be able to remove all the dirt from the last 3 years?


Check out also my other article how to protect your car’s dashboard and plastics against UV. Have you also used this product or the Turtle Wax Foam Cleaner with integrated Brush? And have you used it also on the car seats and how did that go? Let me know your comments and also if there is another product that cleans a car floor mat even better.


Cześć, nazywam się Gerrit Jan. Jestem doświadczonym niezależnym autorem SEO, deweloperem biznesowym i product managerem — specjalizującym się w kolokacji centrów danych, IoT i globalnej łączności. Świadczę usługi tymczasowego zarządzania i doradztwa IT na rynkach niemieckim, holenderskim i angielskim. Ponadto lubię tworzyć treści w WordPressie i YouTube w zakresie car detailingu, IT, testów produktów, podróży i kariery.

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