Super clean your car's Airco & replace filter yourselfSuper clean your car's Airco & replace filter yourself

How to Save money by cleaning and disinfecting your car airco yourself

Are you also shocked with today’s expensive prices for EV & car maintenance like Airco Cleaning and Filter replacement? That’s why I have decided to replace my car’s interior cabin filters from now on myself! And fully clean and disinfect the aircon system in my Bolt EV / Ampera-e. This saves you easily over a 100 Euros or Dollars per year. Just add your car to Amazon Garage and find parts that fit with your car brand and model.

Valvoline Aircon foam cleaner and Filtron cabin interior filter

Based on well known brands and good reviews I am testing out the American Valvoline Aircon foam cleaner and Polish brand Filtron for the cabin filter. Here are the links to the products featured in my video:

  1. Valvoline Airco Cleaner Foam
  2. Filtron Interior Cabin Filter
YouTube video: How to super clean your car’s Airco & replace filter yourself – save money on EV maintenance by DIY car airco cleaning


How much do you pay where you are from for aircon cleaning and filter replacement? And did you ever try to do this yourself and how do you keep your car airco clean? Let me know and I’m looking forward to hearing from you. I hope that this DIY tutorial was helpful. And inspired you to give it a try to replace the filter and clean the airco yourself!


Bună ziua, numele meu este Gerrit Jan. Sunt un scriitor SEO freelance cu experiență, dezvoltator de afaceri și manager de produs - specializat în colocarea centrelor de date, IoT și conectivitate globală. Ofer servicii interimare de management și consultanță IT pe piețele germană, olandeză și engleză. În plus, îmi place să creez conținut în WordPress și YouTube în domeniul detaliilor auto, IT, teste de produse, călătorii și carieră.

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