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Best Zoom and Teams meeting tips to avoid micromanagement

Read why the weekly meeting is so important and how to present it like a hyena! Get rid of those annoying and dangerous micromanagers who ruin your daily life and career!

Your colleagues win if you don’t work on your image

Because if you always prepare your turn to speak during the meeting, you have a unique opportunity to stand out and create a great image. If you don’t do this, other colleagues will stand out more and they will get more admiration from your manager. Your manager is also more likely to start doubting your story and he may want to check your work more often. Because he has to do something, right?

The consequences can be disastrous: For example, your manager will constantly monitor and micro-manage you. You really want to avoid that! Your colleagues who confidently create a great image and carefully maintain it are also much more likely to be given more responsibilities.

Your manager is more likely to give your colleagues new projects and opportunities to work on. After all, they have the greatest chance of success in the eyes of your manager. In this way you fall further and further behind and disappear from the spotlight.

8 Tips to present like a sleazy Hyena in the next Teams or Zoom meeting

With these Zoom and Teams meeting tips you will soon be presenting like a hyena. You will be the center of every meeting from now on.

  1. Prepare yourself well for each meeting. Know exactly what you want to achieve and what you want to say. Make short notes on paper so that you don’t forget anything.
  2. Make sure you stand out by actively participating in the meeting. Respond positively to initiatives from colleagues. Give compliments and ask critical questions. This will show your manager that you are actively involved in the well-being of his team and the company. Consider standing up when it’s your moment to present. Walk through the conference room and use non-verbal communication. Don’t be so modest and get rid of that false shame!
  3. Tell with pride and greatness about your beautiful projects you are working on. Tell how the company will benefit if you succeed in bringing in that new customer, for example. Tell them how important it is to you, because the whole team can benefit from that new customer. Even though in reality it is all about you and only about your own success!
  4. Involve colleagues and your manager in your story, by mentioning their names and asking questions. Show your gratitude for your manager’s leadership by reminding him of the advice he gave you earlier. Emphasize how that helped you. Even if this sounds very slimy and your colleagues will be disgusted by you… Just make a joke about it! Say something like… “Yes I know, this is very bad but it is the truth… It was just great advice and coaching and it just needs to be said again.” Haha! Your colleagues will want to eat you for dinner! However your micromanager silently loves it!
  5. Wear smart clothes and make sure you look well groomed during the meeting. It unconsciously makes your presence and story even more powerful and credible. Do you have a meeting planned via video conference? Then only switch on your camera if you are sure that the image and the environment enhance your personal appearance. Provide an inspiring environment, so that everyone gets the idea that you are 100% concentrated.
  6. Share useful information with your colleagues. Tell them you’re doing this because you want everyone to benefit from it. Tell extensively about opportunities and threats that you have discovered. Offer your help every now and then for colleagues who are having a hard time or are getting stuck with a project. Ask if there’s anything you can do to help.
  7. If you don’t have time for something, such as a trade show or event, explain you need to spend extra time on those big projects you talked about earlier. Tell them you do not want to disappoint your customer’s expectations. Everyone will understand why you can’t and they’ll appreciate it because you’re working on really big, important projects with a lot at stake!
  8. Take responsibility and share what you’ve learned if something goes wrong. Tell what steps you have taken to prevent it from happening in the future.


This is an excerpt from the book “The corporate sales winners guide: Transform your life and become a top sales performer” by Gerrit Jan de Vries. View the ebook and the paperback version on Amazon.


Bonjour, je m'appelle Gerrit Jan. Je suis un rédacteur SEO indépendant expérimenté, un développeur commercial et un chef de produit - spécialisé dans la colocation de centres de données, l'IoT et la connectivité mondiale. Je propose des services de management de transition et de conseil informatique sur les marchés allemand, néerlandais et anglais. De plus, j'aime créer du contenu sur WordPress et YouTube dans les domaines de l'esthétique automobile, de l'informatique, des tests de produits, des voyages et de la carrière.

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