Kako pretvoriti Jump Starter v izmenični tok s čistim sinusnim valomKako pretvoriti Jump Starter v izmenični tok s čistim sinusnim valom

Convert your Car Jump Starter to AC Pure Sine Wave – power sensitive electrical equipment

Here is a quick DIY demonstration how to get a pure sine wave from a car jump starter battery pack. Ideal if you need to power up sensitive electrical devices like laptops on the go in the car, off-grid or during a power outage. Below are the links to Amazon and the products I purchased with my own money:

  1. GIANDEL Pure Sine Inverter
  2. Cigarette Lighter Cable 12 V / 24 V, Car Battery Clip-on
  3. AEG Portable 12 V Energy Station
YouTube video: Convert your Car Jump Starter to AC Pure Sine Wave – power sensitive electrical equipment


Do you believe this would work for your backup and emergency power needs? And did you ever connect a bigger car inverter with 1.000 W or more, direct with wiring to the car battery in the front? Let me know in the comments and thanks for watching.


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