
Top sales tip: Change your mindset, a colleague is your biggest competitor!

Change your mindset and look very critically at your colleagues from now on. Colleagues are your teammates, but they are also your main internal competitors! As a rule, your colleague cannot be trusted and wants nothing more than job security, money and recognition… all at your expense! Never forget that! Anyone who does not pay attention and becomes too naive towards colleagues and colleagues blindly, will sooner or later be cheated by a colleague… Guaranteed!

Become a better seller: Your colleague is lying and cannot be trusted

Just like playing in a professional football team, this is also the case at your office. They all train and play together and share a common goal. Everyone wants to win! But in the end, all these players want to make even more money.

Everyone wants more game time! They want to be in the spotlight and achieve maximum success, just like you! They all want to play in the premier league and maximize their profits: All at the expense of your starting place in the team!

Watch out and stay on your guard!

Best sales tip: Be a nice-guy but tough team player with colleagues

You should try to find a subtle balance between a friendly team player and an “ice-cold sales player.” A “sales shark” who will immediately destroy anyone who tries to steal from him. A person who can never be fooled by his colleagues.

If you play this game better and smarter than your colleagues in the sales department, you will eventually become the most successful salesperson and you are guaranteed to earn a lot of money! I know you will succeed!

Best sales tips for dealing with (respectless) colleagues

Read more tips here and why you can’t trust your colleagues and have to be tough at the office. With these additional effective tips, you can also scare your colleagues and earn their respect in 10 steps.

Book source

This is an excerpt from the book “The corporate sales winners guide” by Gerrit Jan de Vries. View the ebook and the paperback version on Amazon.


Hello my name is Gerrit Jan. I am an experienced freelance SEO writer, business developer and product manager - Specializing in data center colocation, IoT and global connectivity. I provide interim management and IT consulting services in German, Dutch and English markets. In addition, I like to create content in WordPress and YouTube in the field of car detailing, IT, product tests, travel and career.

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