Winter undercarriage car wash tips against road salt
My 30 minutes winter car wash routine and tips to clean road salt, traffic film and how to wash the (bottom) undercarriage of your car safe.
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My 30 minutes winter car wash routine and tips to clean road salt, traffic film and how to wash the (bottom) undercarriage of your car safe.
Sonax WinterBeast Scheibenreiniger - Antifrost und Klarsicht. Find out what screen wash smells like and if it is worth paying 3x as much.
In this video I am testing a Bulgarian car wash, apply Turtle Wax it Wet in Dupnitsa, Bulgaria. Why it's my favorite detailing product.
Tips for a white car winter car wash and cleaning of traffic film and brown tires. How strong is Turtle Wax Max Power shampoo & PTFE wax?
Tips for a white car winter car wash and cleaning of traffic film and brown tires. How strong is Turtle Wax Max Power shampoo & PTFE wax?