Sonax Foam Sprayer pros and cons
This Sonax Foam Sprayer is one of the best purchases I have made so far in my young car detailing journey! I wanted to share a video with the things I like and dislike about it. With a demonstration and my personal tips.
I purchased this device below on Amazon and have been using it for half a year now.
Save money and create your favorite foam
It produces great snow foam and you can bring your own shampoo to the car wash. Mix and match with different tips till you get the perfect foam. Go in between small spaces to clean everywhere! It saves money in the long run for sure and you get better products on your car that only YOU select…. not the people from the car wash company. You can also load an all purpose cleaner in it to clean your tires and afterwards store them at home.
Do you also use a portable snow foam sprayer or a different type of pre-wash? Let me know in the comments below or ask me any question via the contact form. Check out my other video if you can save money by using leftover wheel cleaner to remove embedded iron and breakdust from your paint. And the review of Sonax Almsommer screen wash.