
What do you do if your colleague lies, gossips or steals leads?

If a colleague tries to cheat you, for example by stealing your sales leads or gossiping about you, you should always strike back hard right away. In this article I will explain why and how you can apply that in the office. I’ll also show you what the consequences are if you don’t and just let it all come over you.

The importance of fighting back and threatening your colleague.

If a co-worker talks negatively about you to other co-workers, don’t lie on the floor like some street dog and take it all in and let it happen… No! You strike back twice as hard, threaten your colleague and make sure it never happens again.

Your colleagues will now know not to mess with you and gossip about you. They know from now on to respect you and leave you alone.

Stop worrying about coworker: It’s about your money and career!

If you don’t, it will happen again and again. For the rest of your career, people will continue to use you. Remember…. Only you make and set the rules. You don’t care what other people and colleagues think about it.

It’s your job, your career and it’s all about your success, salary and bonus!

Your colleague is not your friend and the Team at the office is usually fake news

You may think your co-workers are your best friends? You may think you can trust them? But one thing is for sure… Sooner or later your colleagues will gossip about you behind your back, they will try to steal from you and lie to you.

They will try whatever they can to improve their own situation.

Ultimately, an office, the workplace and your colleagues are not much different from a professional football team. You can only progress by working together as a team. Everyone is part of the same team and tries to maintain good relationships with each other.

But everyone also wants to make a maximum career and to conquer and defend that starting position in the first team! Everyone wants to earn maximum money, have a job guarantee and be able to continue to grow.

Some colleagues go to great lengths to achieve that goal.

Change the way you interact with your colleague, earn respect but never trust colleagues

It is true and I have seen it happen so many times in my own career. Of course, it also happened to me personally that a colleague tried to steal from me. It happens to everyone, but your reaction afterwards is decisive!

Don’t trust anyone, only trust yourself and rely your own gut feeling and instincts!

You will see that your colleagues will treat you with much more respect. Maybe they’ll apologize to you for the one time they really went too far?

A great opportunity to rebuild a good relationship with that colleague. But then you have learned very well never to trust them and other colleagues blindly again.

More tips to become the strongest and best colleague at the office at work

Read here how you can behave like a sleazy Hyena during the Teams of Zoom meeting. In this way you are always outsmarting your colleagues and you create a super image. Now deal with an annoying colleague, intimidate your colleague and earn his or her respect in 10 steps.

Do you know someone who is bothered by his colleagues and who could use some tips? Share the article here or leave a comment.

Book source

This is an excerpt from the book “The corporate sales winners guide: Transform your life and become a top sales performer” by Gerrit Jan de Vries. View the ebook and the paperback version on Amazon.


Hello my name is Gerrit Jan. I am an experienced freelance SEO writer, business developer and product manager - Specializing in data center colocation, IoT and global connectivity. I provide interim management and IT consulting services in German, Dutch and English markets. In addition, I like to create content in WordPress and YouTube in the field of car detailing, IT, product tests, travel and career.

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